The Hot Boys
“Pittsburgh’s best boy band”
The Hot Boys are John Michael (Sienna Cittadino), Michael Slate (BB Kenda), and Gracie (Anna Azizzy). That’s right, Gracie. The Gym Girl who, while everyone else fantasized about smooching the Hot Boys, could only dream of BEING one of them.

@theglitterboxtheater lately :') swipe to last side for a clue as to why i had to miss a week of my job as a handyman cause i got injured at my gig as a handyclown

SIDE SPLIT lineup alert!! get your booty to @theglitterboxtheater aug 24th to see how flexible we all are in real life.

really excited to present the work i've made in collaboration with @sherwinwilliams at their summer residency

BIG NEWS! the SIDE SPLIT Variety Show is back! For number 5, we'll be featuring touring performer @soy.candix (CDMX) alongside a delightful crew of local clowns and comics. all emceed by yours truly :')
get to stretching and save the date! Aug 24 at @theglitterboxtheater in homestead. See you there!

my brother @heartheal3r is coming through pittsburgh on tour. you're not gonna wanna miss this gig 6/14 at @theglitterboxtheater

excerpt from "Pretty Dog Pop Star: A Day in the Life of a Beautiful Dog" performed at Club Cafe last year <3
Thrash along with Pretty Dog as they do their best to uphold the four pillars of DBT: mindfulness, interpersonal effectiveness, distress tolerance, and emotional regulation. Will they calm their rage? Or will Pretty Dog go down as a one hit wonder? The piece is an homage to Pretty Dog, the star of many comics and illustrations made by Azizzy while in in/outpatient psychiatric care.

💕attunement v-day e-card💕
for that special someone still working on making the connection
a still from this year's e-card. full video on my profile

💕attunement v-day e-card💕
for that special someone still working on making the connection
inspired by a recent clowning workshop with @tophiodrift and a therapy session discussing mirror attunement
#valentines #ecard

music and video by anna azizzy, 2016
Collaboration with Heather Cowie and Max Gonzales